For individuals

Seeing theatre, talking about it and, above all, acting yourself enables you to think for yourself in a space freed from the dual right-and-wrong thinking. Our extensive training program invites you to express creatively your own view of the issues of our world and to compare them with your own environment.

  • Regular Workshops

    Once a month on Thursdays, we invite you to our GRIPS Box at Hansaplatz for advanced training on various theatre topics. The topics change from time to time. The aim is always to get hands-on experience of theatre and to learn methods that can be used in your own environment. We are delighted to be working with many different partners this season.

    Participation is free of charge and requires no prior knowledge.
    A certificate of participation will be issued.

    Venue & time
    GRIPS Box Hansaplatz, 5 - 8 pm
    Info & registration

    Dates & Topics

    Thu, 27.02.2025, 5-8 pm
    Playing without language: visual guidance from a deaf* and hearing perspective.

    How can we communicate non-verbally and guide without language? Jan Kress (deaf*) and Charlotte Bartesch (hearing) use dance and playful exercises to show how they can organise activities without language. The focus is on creating an inclusive environment in which both deaf* and hearing children and young people can be active together.
    Deaf* includes different identities and life realities such as being deaf, hard of hearing, CI-wearing and later deaf.

     - with Jan Kress - dancer, performer, theatre educator and Charlotte Bartesch - theatre educator and theatre maker


    Thu 3.4.2025, 5-8 pm
    Theatre methods to promote democracy - having a voice in theatre and school

    Schools follow a fixed framework curriculum, and in the theatre, too, decisions are usually made by adults. But where is the room for manoeuvre for children and young people? Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to have a say in decisions that affect them - and this applies to both school and theatre.

    In this workshop, teachers are given practical theatre methods to help children and young people make their voices heard: How can they have an active and meaningful conversation about the issues that affect them at school? What scope for co-determination can be created in everyday teaching?

    The workshop also provides a space for dialogue: we want to hear from you - the educational professionals who work with pupils on a daily basis - which topics you think are particularly controversial at school at the moment and need a stage. We will pass these findings on to the new management of the GRIPS theatre and the committee.

    Just like the results of five workshops that we will be holding in schools this season to ask pupils what they want from GRIPS Theatre in the future.

    With Anna-Sophia Fritsche, theatre educator at the GRIPS Theatre

    Do 15.5.2025, 17-20 Uhr
    Props gehen raus … an Adultismuskritik!

    Diese Fortbildung führt an den Begriff Adultismus heran. Diese Diskriminierungsform ist tief in unsere Gesellschaft, in Bildungs-, Kunst- und Kulturinstitutionen verwoben und trotzdem oft noch wenig beleuchtet. Wie kann in Theater und Schule eine adultismuskritische Arbeitsweise gelingen, bei der jüngere Menschen nicht aufgrund ihres Alters diskriminiert werden? 
    Im Projekt „PROPS gehen raus…“ wurde das versucht und machtvolle Positionen des Theaters, z.B. die der Autor*innen und Regisseur*innen, von Kindern besetzt. Damit wurden die grundsätzlichen Regeln des Theaterbetriebes für junges Publikum auf den Kopf gestellt. Die Fortbildung gibt Einblicke in die Herangehensweisen und Hürden dieses Projektes und macht neugierig auf die Premiere von "Don´t stop dreaming" am 12.06.2025.
    - mit Anna-Sophia Fritsche (Theaterpädagogin am GRIPS Theater) und Emese Bodolay (Teil der Projektleitung von "PROPS gehen raus...")

  • PRAXISSCHOCK – The prospective teachers’ slam

    Prospective teachers use their words to provide insights into their observations of everyday school life. In workshops with rap and spoken word artist Lila Sovia aka Lavender Szymula and our theater pedagogy, they are prepared for the poetry slam stage.

    This year, the Praxisschock slam will take place at Hansaplatz.
    In cooperation with the Humboldt University of Berlin

    Date: 24. January 2025, 7 pm
    Venue: GRIPS Hansaplatz


  • Looking through - further training for "Augenblick Mal"

    See through!
    A training course for teachers on the Augenblick mal! Festival 2025. 6.5.+7.5. 9-18 h
    The five Berlin children's and youth theatres cooperating with Augenblickmal - ATZE Musiktheater, FELD Theater, GRIPS Theater, Theater an der Parkaue and Theater STRAHL - invite you to an advanced training course accompanying the festival. Through jointly experienced performances, discussions and workshops as well as theatre pedagogical practice, a methodological toolkit for theatre in the school context will be conveyed. Participants will gain an insight into the variety of themes and aesthetics of contemporary theatre for young audiences.

    The event is recognised by the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family as further training for teachers.
    Fortbildungsnummer: 25.1-125685
    Link to the training registration:

    Please register both on the Senate Administration website and directly at the GRIPS Theatre:


  • Stage tour for adults

    On selected dates, you will get an insight behind the scenes of the GRIPS Theatre with current and important information on the subject of extracurricular learning and, of course, everything you always wanted to know about theatre.
    Especially recommended for all new teachers in Berlin. Whether from other federal states, career changers or trainee teachers.

    Next date: 25 April | 4 pm | GRIPS Hansaplatz
    Duration: approx. 60 minutes
    Registration at tp(at)


Keinen Termin mehr verpassen - mit unserem Newsletter!

With our training newsletter, we always keep you up to date at the beginning of each half of the season on which dates and open offers you can take advantage of. Simply send us an email to fortbildung[at]

We have part of our large range of advanced training courses officially recognised by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family as advanced teacher training.

Our regular training courses currently only take place digitally on Zoom. All workshops and trainings, if they take place in presence, are adapted to the current hygiene and safety requirements of the Senate. Since 15 November 2021, our training courses have been subject to the 2G rule in accordance with the Berlin Senate's Corona Ordinance. This means that participation is only possible under the following conditions:

  • Full vaccination protection against COVID-19 or recovery (maximum 6 months ago). Proof of (digital) vaccination certificate or proof of recovery in comparison with photo ID.
  • All participants in the GRIPS training courses must wear an FFP2 mask.
  • We ask all participants to quickly test themselves on the day at their own responsibility – better safe than sorry.

The health of our audience is our top priority – this is the only way we can create the safest possible theatre experience for everyone. Thank you for your understanding!

We look forward to seeing you!

Contact: Wiebke Hagemeier and Fabian Schrader
Email: fortbildung[at]